Dim Sum Sunday: Peeps challenge


Over at the Karmic Kitchen theres an epic and iconic spring showdown brewing; the battle of the peeps. Peeps exist to rot teeth, fuel sugar meltdowns and provide sustenance to post-apocalyptic roaches.

They are not suitable for eating, only art. I didnt have time to make a museum piece like the peep kimona, so instead i went pragmatic. Peep wreath.

ingredients: peeps, glue gun, ribbon, flowers, cardboard, krylon varnish

I chose one sacrificial guinea peep to submit to varnish testing. I was concerned the varnish would destroy the peep, but nope, the peep took her coating with out so much as a...well, you know. It was clear the varnish and the peep were simpatico on a very molecular level.

i cut a cardboard form and made the bow.

started filling the board with peeps

I filled all the spaces in between the peeps with leaves and flowers.

The final

My review: the finished wreath has a truly sinister vibe. Its like a big plastic funeral decoration that mocks you on the way out. Perhaps this wreath could be the cautionary logo of a childhood obesity campaign. It looks innocent enough ( ha! Like marionettes do). This wreath reminds me of a Jeff Koons sculpture , whom ive always kind of hated, but now i think i will appropriate a koonsian stance and say this piece is an ironic statement on american culture.

This wreath should be as effective as lambs blood on your door when the weird passover smoke.... (you saw the ten commandments with charleton heston, right?...) comes creeping up your street. Happy Easter!

Art Giveaway: This little chickie went to.......


i put everybodys name on sheets of paper that were mostly the same size to make it FAIR then.....

the winner may shoot me an email at sparringk9@yahoo.com with an address of where to send the chick. dont worry, i wont come over. grrherhaha



feathers fell from queztacoatl
and formed into bleeding volcanoes
i scratched though the veil and sipped from the bottle
and i thought to myself si, bueno.

the spirit world squirmmed and came alive
like amoebas in the drink
sugar calaveras laughed in my face
it's closer than you think.

i climbed to the end of monte alban
the verde was far and wide
the pulque kicked in the journey was on
velasco was there by my side

resplendent and golden the sky
touched the earth and i lost my footing it seemed
i told the temporal world good-bye
the sun virgin burned and she beamed

"things are not as they appear
its enough that you are! just be.
you would be living except for your fear
the past is just psychic debris"

somewhere the sound of a horn exploded
and the bus it pulled away
el barracho was on sickly and loaded
but milagros were offered that day

still looking for a burning bush?
or a vapor behind the door?
i'll show you a miracle in my life
a hole in the rusted out floor

back came the pulque from inside to out
while riding with chickens and goats
bumping along on a dusty route
in a mexican town remote.

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