

All Soul's Eve

This night where the veil between life and death is most fragile, is a time to remember the dead; to pray them out of purgatory, to offer up tribute and to contemplate endings. The reaper rules the harvest and the long night of winter begins. Let this one minute video be my offering for the artists to whom this homage is dedicated.  *please set your YouTube viewer to 720 HD with the settings gear at the bottom of the screen*   

Made entirely on iPad.


  1. even better on full screen 720HD, chica! thank you again for sharing this. xoxoxo

  2. Especially like the soundtrack selection!

    Is that Trout or Koby with the line at the end?

  3. Creepy. V creepy.

    Loved it much. And von LX is right...great soundtrack.

  4. Spooking your sweet dogs with haints?
    Whew! Its tough to be around a mad artists with a new toy on all Souls.

  5. soundtrack is the essential tool for setting tone. this is the classic sound of the illuminati family picnic (a.k.a. eyes wide shut) it touches on some of my iconic favorites in horror, finishing with one miss Elvira Gulch, the terrifying rule enforcing dog hater from my childhood. I really wanted the drive up to the Overlook Hotel, and the clock from Nosferatu but couldnt find clean copies to poach. Cribbing is harder than it looks.

  6. @that white cat: Trout gets the speaking role. Koby is "the eye".

  7. Chickory that's crazy and brilliant and scary,,and I love it,,,, Neil

  8. I thought I left a comment here, but now I know where I was when I saw this. I love it. I think we should make our own video contest for the Holidays? Screw Zappos. :-)

  9. I cannot watch this again. Linda Blair down those stairs will stick with me all day. But your video is brilliant regardless! (Gotta get me an iPad).

  10. Dawg abuser.

  11. creepy abd yet brilliant very cool

  12. Hi Ms Scaremonger

    Nice to see you yearning - once again - for some blood lust in your life.

    i agree that the omission of the nosferatu somewhat diminishes the power of the pastiche, and it is also something of a personal insult to moi.

    I will not however take umbrage, or make any inappropriate remarks about the recent election result.

    At this point at least.

    I particularly enjoyed seeing the spooky blonde dame mid way through who looked moderately unfrightened by it all.


    Ps maybe see you next year.
    If you are brave enough.

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